评估 plans are a tool to help courses, 项目, and the institution outline their learning 结果, a timeframe for assessing those 结果, and where is the  learning data will be gathered.  


The plan is focuses on the three steps of assessment (collecting data, evaluating that data, and implementing changes based on that data). 它提供了已经完成和需要完成的工作的图景.  另外, by breaking down the assessment cycle in simpler tasks, the plan helps guide courses, 项目, and the institution on where to focus energy. 


Course-level 评估计划

课程水平评估通过学院的课程评估报告过程进行.  按 手术302 - 01 “教员和/或学科必须每学期报告课程评估."  


每个学期,教师都被要求参加课程水平或小组水平的评估.  For course-level assessment, 教师在他们选择的评估工具上报告学生对一门课程的学习结果.  这些信息是使用“课程评估报告”报告的 "Education and Learning Effectiveness" Canvas shell each semester (Login required for access).  



  1. Course outcome measured
  2. 赋值使用
  3. 评估 results
  4. Criterion used to determine results
  5. Future adjustments to course, assignment, prior learning


另外, 同一课程的多个部门的教师可以选择进行部门级别的评估.  他们将决定课程的结果,并开发一个共享的评估工具来收集学生的学习数据.  


在这两种情况下, 评估协调员将收集信息并与学术领导分享结果.  学术领导将与适当的利益相关者分享结果.  In addition, the 评估 Coordinator will post the results in the "Education and Learning Effectiveness"  Canvas shell for faculty to access.