
Part of the assessment process is to move beyond the compiling student learning data to review and analysis activities in order to implement changes that improve teaching and learning for the College's students and educators.  The assessment re港口s are gathered and analyzed at various levels by various stakeholders throughout the College.  


The resulting actions vary as much as the collection processes do.  This could be identifying an issue that needs further data and analysis to making a change to the learning activities within a class.  


课程评估报告 & 行动

The 课程评估报告 will only provide overall faculty statistics on submissions numbers, 使用的评估工具的类型, and the overall types of changes faculty made.  更具体的细节, such as the assignments faculty used for assessment, 学生的结果, 以及教职员工的反思, are available with the "Course 评估 Re港口" located in the  "Education and Learning Effectiveness"  Canvas shell for each semester (Login required for access).  





Fall 2016-Fall 2017 Course 评估 Re港口  

    *This course assessment re港口 was generated during a 通识教育 Thinking Skills Learning Outcome 评估 project.



行动 taken as a result of the Course 评估 re港口s are reflected within the re港口s themselves.  除了, these results are shared by the academic leadership team with their faculty as many faculty like to see what other faculty are doing and this spurs innovative practices and conversations around teaching and learning between colleagues.